Are You Happy With Your Water Supply?

Please take a few moments to complete this survey. All items are optional and information is provided entirely voluntarily.

We will keep your personal data confidential. This survey is for statistical purposes only. We will contact you only if you indicate that you wish us to do so.

Water Supply Survey

Are you happy with your current water supply? 
  Yes - no need to change anything  
  No - the following should be improved  
  quality    quantity/availability    lower cost  
What is your current water supply? 
  Dovedale Scheme    Roof Water    Own Bore    Well/Other  
Number of people on your connection? 
Number of units if on Dovedale Scheme? 
Need water for 
  Household    Irrigation    Stock    Other  
What best describes your opinion on the issue? You can tick multiple boxes. 
  I believe TDC is responsible for improving the supply - put more pressure on council!  
  I would be interested in having my water supplied from a newly formed community-owned supply scheme. This should be for . . .  
  . . . household and stock/commercial use  
  . . . household use only to reduce the cost of the scheme  
  . . . I would be willing to register my interest as an initial shareholder in such as scheme  
  I am happy to reduce my unit size taken from Dovedale scheme in order to free up capacity.  
  I support the Waimea Dam - let's try to get water from it!  
  I do not support the Waimea Dam - it's going to cost us but won't give us any water!  
Do you have any other feedback or comments? 
   I would like to receive email updates on this issue.  
   I would be interested in getting involved and supporting this work.  
Street Address 
  RD1    RD2  
   I am already a MHRA member.  
   I would be interested in becoming an MHRA member.  

Thank you for taking part! Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any problems.