Tasman District Council have been working to secure the land required to complete the planned pathway, however unfortunately as of February 2021 have been unable to obtain a section required to complete the work.
As a result Tasman District Council inform us the pathway will not be able to be constructed this year as planned. However they are still committed to the project and aim to progress it in the future.
While this is a disappointing setback we are optimistic a solution can be found in the next year that will allow the project to continue.
Tasman District Council will post an update letter direct to some residents in the next few weeks.
The following community event is organised by Tasman District Council:
Tasman is a special place to live. Across our urban, rural, and coastal areas we have a great lifestyle and many of our communities are growing. It’s important to plan for the future with quality development in appropriate places and by protecting and restoring our land, air, and water. You have a chance to contribute to how we do this.
Tasman District Council staff and councillors will be in the Moutere Hills on Wednesday November 25 to hear your views about our environmental and development issues and opportunities, and what you think makes our district special.
You can drop-in anytime
Wednesday November 25
between 3.30pm – 7pm
at the Moutere Hills Community Centre
1539 Moutere Highway, Upper Moutere
to have your say on how we look after our district.
The Dovedale Rural Water Committee are holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11 November, 7pm at the Moutere Hills Community Centre.
At this meeting the Committee and Tasman District Council will share some important updates on future operation of the Dovedale Rural Water supply, including Three Waters Reform Programme funding and upgrade plans, and treatment options outlined in the draft Water Services Bill.
In addition to this we will have a financial update and an overview of supply operations for the past year.
Thanks to all who attended our AGM and Meet-The-Candidates event yesterday. The meeting was well attended and there was lively debate following the presentations from our parliamentary candidates.
Please find the minutes from the meeting here.
As announced earlier, our AGM/candidates meeting originally planned for today has been postponed due to Covid-19 and the postponement of the General Election itself.
We're happy to announce a new date for this meeting. This will now be held:
7pm Tuesday 29th September
at Moutere Hills Community Centre
We look forward to seeing you there.
The new meeting will form the official AGM date for the Moutere Hills Residents Association, and it will also be the local Meet-The-Candidates event. Drinks and nibbles will be provided at the venue. We may carry out some member voting on association matters and updates online prior, in order to save time at the meeting.