More housing, more farming, more roads?
We asked you what you want for the future of the Moutere Hills - here is what you said.
80% of people in the Moutere say the area is a great place to live! About half of the respondents support more housing - the other half doesn't. 50% of residents state that farming and production are at exactly the right level. 80% of people say we need more footpaths and bike paths - nobody wants new roads.
TDC will be presenting the Annual Plan 2019/20 at our public meeting on Thursday 11 April.
Find relevant documents here:
Proposed Annual Plan 2019-2020 - Summary information from March Newsline
Proposed Annual Plan 2019-2020 - District-wide programmes and Ward Projects
Draft Funding Impact Statement 2019-2020 – provides details of the different rates that Council will collect in 2019/2020 and their levels.
Summary of Draft Financial Information 2019-2020
Adoption of the AP is set for 31 May.
Another project which is among the ten highest ranking footpath proposals in the district is a new sealed footpath from the end of Supplejack Valley Road in the centre of Upper Moutere village to connect to the start of Sunrise Valley Road, about 400m away along the western side of the Moutere Highway.
Following the survey link below, please have your say on this particular footpath link. We will collect all community feedback and forward to TDC.
Click here to see the map of the proposed footpath link.
Click here to take the survey!
TDC is currently reviewing the list of the highest priority footpath projects for the district and is requesting feedback from the communities on all listed projects.
At the absolute top of this list is the Moutere Hills Community Pathway - to connect the Moutere Hills Community Centre to Upper Moutere village.
The Moutere Hills Residents Association is working to move this project forward. We are back on the road talking to landowners, to find the best and most feasible route - which we will then present to Council.
See the TDC Footpath Priority list here.
All local residents are invited to our upcoming public meeting:
Thursday 11 April, 7 pm at the Moutere Hills Community Centre
Please join us for:
Learn more about what the future of our local area might look like, and have your say.
Coffee, tea, and nibbles provided. All welcome. TDC public drop-in session beforehand.