TDC: Draft Responsible Camping Strategy

TDC have developed a new Draft Responsible Camping Strategy and are now seeking feedback on it. From the news item:

Over the past few years there has been a significant increase in freedom and budget campers. This has come with challenges, including littering, waste disposal, noise, public space conflicts, safety and commercial competition concerns.

We want to continue to be welcoming hosts to people wishing to enjoy the uniquely Tasman experience, and we expect our visitors to respect the special places and communities as they pass through.

The Draft Responsible Camping Strategy is intended to provide direction as we manage responsible camping through regulations and by providing facilities and visitor information.  It may lead to changes in the Tasman Freedom Camping Bylaw.

Click here to read the strategy summary and click here to provide feedback.

The Draft Responsible Camping Strategy is open for consultation until 18 November 2019 and there will be drop-in sessions available throughout the district.

TDC Adopts New Public Water Supply Bylaw

Tasman District Council has adopted an amendment to the Public Water Supply Bylaw which is aimed to "protect and manage the community’s access to safe, secure water."

TDC notes: "The bylaw includes a water restrictions protocol for how we will manage water use during a drought or an emergency."

A copy of the bylaw can be downloaded here. From page 24 onward you will find breakdowns of the phases in the Water Restriction Protocol.

It makes for a good read in case we get another drought.

Tiny Houses Anyone?

Tasman District Council has recently released a new eight-page guide document called "Provisions for Tiny Houses".

You can download the guide from the TDC website here.

The guide aims to clarify which consents and permissions would be required to construct and live in a tiny house on a property in Tasman District.

Please note that the following is a summary of various items highlighted in the guide, and is not a replacement for reading the guide itself.

Read here why at this moment, according to Tasman District Council, there is no such thing as a 'tiny house'. And take our online survey at the end of the article!

Read more: Tiny Houses Anyone?

Dovedale Water Scheme Meeting 3rd October

TDC will hold a public meeting for the Dovedale Rural Water Scheme on Thursday 3 October 2019 at the Moutere Hills Community Centre from 7pm.

Some topics that will be discussed include:

  • Committee membership
  • Review financial information for the previous year
  • Review the current status of the supply
  • Review the operational plan/expectations for the current (new) year
  • Discuss any regulatory/operational issues that might affect the supply
  • Planned Capital Work this year

All users connected to this water scheme are invited and encouraged to attend.

TDC Speed Limit Review 2019

TDC is beginning another round of speed limit review for various local roads and an official consultation is open until Friday 1 November. The changes proposed under this review have been influenced by the outcome of the TDC community survey earlier in May.

Some words from the review documents: The number of fatal and serious crashes on local roads has been increasing over the past six years. Sixty five per cent (65%) of crashes across our District are on our rural roads, of these 84% are lost control type crashes. Seventy four per cent (74%) occur on our Primary (such as the Moutere Valley Highway) and Secondary Collector Roads (such as Neudorf Road). Crashes on these road types are happening at increasing numbers.

As a result, TDC is proposing to change the speed limit on four sections of our Primary and Secondary Collector Roads and 13 low-volume rural roads.