The Moutere Hills Residents Association would like to invite you to their Annual General Meeting on
Tuesday 24 September 2013 at 6 pm at the Upper Moutere School Hall
The committee will present updates from the Community Pathway project - creating a walk- and cycleway between Upper Moutere Village and the Community Centre.
We will discuss Speed Limits in our area, namely on those roads where there is local residents concern and which we are trying to get looked at by council. Our ward councillors Cr Trevor Norris and Cr Brian Ensor have confirmed they will be present and available to discuss the subject.
Also, all constitutional association issues will be addressed at this meeting (accounts review, elections and plans for the next year) - please see the full agenda for more details.
This is a public meeting and all the community is warmly invited to attend and take part. Please note that only association members will be able to vote in the elections.
Click here to read our article on the history of our walk- and cycle pathway project so far.
We will be presenting updates on progress and current situation at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
If you are interested in this project, be sure to come along and show your support.
The MHRA committee presented our submissions for reduced speed limits on various roads in the area to council at a hearing on 16 April. The official report from that hearing was presented to full council on 26 June and can be found on the TDC website.
While we found that the roads of concern to us could not be addressed during the current review - they not yet having undergone a consultation process as other locations have - it was noted by council that these "needed to be fully investigated as part of a future speed limit review".
We have since inquired when such a review might next take place and have received word from Cr Brian Ensor that this was being discussed by council staff and could happen "inside the next twelve months".
The next public meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 24 September. The exact time (evening) and venue will be announced closer to the day. Invitations will be sent out by email to all members.
With the previously mentioned Speed Limits Bylaw Review in process, we have been busy trying to ensure local concerns are heard by council. Based on input from individuals and groups of residents the MHRA has composed and filed three submissions on speed limit restrictions in our area.
These are:
In addition, a number of local residents have created and filed their own submissions on related issues and locations.