Annual General Meeting 2015

This year's AGM will be held on

Tuesday, 22 September 2015 - 7pm - at the Moutere Inn

All welcome to come by for a chat and to hear updates. We are holding this year's meeting at the pub, so it's a bit less formal and easy to just drop in.

Community Pathway Project Goes 'On Hold'

Following recent deliberations the association committee finds that due to lack of progress the project to create a walkway and cycleway to connect Upper Moutere village and the community centre will be officially put 'on hold' for the time being.

The project had much positive response from the community and landowners during the last two years. But even though there were some promising options at different times we have been unable to establish a truly feasible route for the pathway which would connect all the way through from the community centre to the school or village. Now, with a few committee members moving away or otherwise engaged we simply don't have the resources to follow this up in a meaningful way.

We would like to say thank you again to all landowners who have offered support, and we will wait until new impulses or new developments might lead to the idea being looked at again.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the association.

TDC Items on Internet and Mobile Phone Coverage Improvements

Here are various notes on the council's activities around improving internet speeds and reducing mobile coverage 'black spots' in the district. It is unclear how far this will affect connections in our rural communities, but might be worth a read:

Public Sessions to Support the Council’s Application for More Government Digital Funding

Read the article at the [TDC website]

Tasman District Council is quizzing residents on their internet access and mobile coverage as part of its bid for the next stage of government ultra-fast broadband funding - take the survey [here]

Come along and discuss the Council's bid to improve access to internet and mobile services around the district - meeting dates [here]

MHRA Continues To Follow Up On Speed Limits

Click on the link below to read our submission to this year's Speed Limit Bylaw Review.

The report outlines recent activity, including a meeting with the mayor and TDC transportation officers to discuss locations in Mahana, as well as proposals on several roads in Mahana and the highway past Moutere Hills Community Centre.

Read more: MHRA Speed Limits Submission 2015

TDC Items on Long Term Plan 2015-2025

These are recent TDC news items regarding water issues in the district and the consultation of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025:

Listening & Partnership Creates Strong Financial Plan for the Future

"Mayor Richard Kempthorne says community input and a responsive Council effort have combined to ensure the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 Consultation Document is proposing a sound financial strategy for the future."

[Read Full Item]

Water in the Waimea is Still a Key Issue

"Access to a secure water supply in the Waimea Plains remains one of the five key issues facing the Tasman District Council. As such, it takes a prominent position in its Long Term Plan Consultation Document to be released for consultation from Monday 9 March."

[Read Full Item]

Tasman District Council Meets its Commitments in Proposed Long Term Plan

"Tasman District Council has adopted and released its Long Term Plan 2015-2025 Consultation Document and is seeking public comment on it."

[Read Full Item]

Public Meetings for Long Term Plan 2015-2025 Consultation

Now it’s time for you to have your say - Here's a the list of public meeting and hearing dates and venues.

[Read Full Item]