MHRA has issued a submission to the current consultation phase of the proposed Waimea Dam project.
We have focused on our objective to act as channel of communication between the community and TDC and have compiled feedback and concerns about the current proposal which we will present to council. In this submission we have used data from the initial results of our currently running survey on water supply.
"The MHRA submits that there are significant concerns among residents of the Moutere Hills area
about either funding model and the projected rates increase implied thereby, as well as about the
overall affordability of the dam and what is seen as uneven distribution of benefit. [...]
We submit that Council further investigate the level of popular support for the dam project, the
ability of the population to afford rates increases, and review the proposed funding models
accordingly in order to achieve a proposal with no or significantly reduced general rates impact. [...]"
Read the full submission here.