Waimea Dam - Economic Reports From TDC

For those who want more details on the proposed Waimea Dam there are now new reports available through TDC.

The Waimea Dam Economic Assessment report by commissioned by the regional Economic Development Agency is available from the EDA website.

Mayor Kempthorne says: "This report provides the economic rationale and benefits available through its construction."

"The Council acknowledges the report focuses on the economic future of the area and is primarily focused on the horticulture sector as one would expect of a report commissioned by the EDA. However, the link between a sustainable economy and social and community needs is very clear."

"What this report does not cover is the issue of affordability for Tasman ratepayers. Significant external contributions by Central Government and our local government partners are critical to providing an affordable financial model for constructing the dam."

Full news item at TDC website.

Also now available: commissioned from NZIER the report ‘How to pay for a dam’ investigates the public and private benefits derived from the dam and the options the Council has to finance it as a result.

This report is available here.