News about our community pathway project.
The Moutere Hills Residents Association will be constructing a section of public footpath alongside the Moutere Highway between the Moutere Hills Community Centre and Country Kids preschool.
This project is entirely community-funded, and made possible with donations from the Sarau Trust!
Another project which is among the ten highest ranking footpath proposals in the district is a new sealed footpath from the end of Supplejack Valley Road in the centre of Upper Moutere village to connect to the start of Sunrise Valley Road, about 400m away along the western side of the Moutere Highway.
Following the survey link below, please have your say on this particular footpath link. We will collect all community feedback and forward to TDC.
Click here to see the map of the proposed footpath link.
Click here to take the survey!
TDC is currently reviewing the list of the highest priority footpath projects for the district and is requesting feedback from the communities on all listed projects.
At the absolute top of this list is the Moutere Hills Community Pathway - to connect the Moutere Hills Community Centre to Upper Moutere village.
The Moutere Hills Residents Association is working to move this project forward. We are back on the road talking to landowners, to find the best and most feasible route - which we will then present to Council.
See the TDC Footpath Priority list here.
The MHRA is proposing the construction of a formed footpath for pedestrian and bicycle use along the Moutere Highway between the Moutere Hills Community Centre and the Country Kids Preschool.
We want to create better access to the Community Centre for anybody travelling to the centre by foot or bike from the direction of Kelling Road.
This short section of footpath can also be connected to other possible footpaths or bike paths in the future.
We invite you to have your say on this proposal:
Come to the AGM on Wednesday 20 September, 7pm at the Moutere Hills Community Centre to learn more.
The petition in support of our project to create a public pathway between Upper Moutere village and the Community Centre has now closed - and we have achieved a solid 609 signatures by individuals in support of the project. We would like to thank all who have signed the petition and those who helped distributing the leaflets.
The results from our survey which called for residents to tell us what they see as most important for the pathway are also available and have been compiled in this article.
We have also received some feedback from our (newly elected) ward councillors Anne Turley, Dean McNamara and Tim King as well as Motueka councillor David Ogilvie who have expressed their support for the project. We are looking forward to working more closely with our councillors and TDC departments.
Meanwhile, we are continuing negotiations with individual landowners along possible routes for the pathway. While we still do not have a complete connection between the two locations, our strategy is to secure individual sections of land for public access along any of the possible routes as these become available - with a view to create a continuous corridor in the future.
Following our AGM in September 2016 we conducted a survey among local residents to establish what is seen as the most important aspects of our proposed pathway.
The survey was run by show of hands and paper handout at the AGM, in the local Grapevine, and as an online form on our website. A short summary of the results based on the more than 60 responses follows:
The two clearly established main priorities for any route are that the pathway needs to meet its declared goal of allowing children to walk and cycle safely between the School and the Community Centre (98% of responses see this as Very Important or Desirable), closely followed by the request that any crossings of 100 km/h are to be avoided as much as possible (94% Very Important or Desirable).
The next two items seen as most important are that a focus is given on children walking and cycling safely between Home and School (e.g. from Kelling Road) (95%) and that the pathway connect to the Childcare Centre (Country Kids) (86%).
You can now take part in our online survey regarding the Moutere Hills Community Pathway.
The purpose of this survey is to determine top priorities for the proposed pathway as seen by the community. This will help us during the planning stage and might influence route-finding.
You can take the online survey here - it only takes one minute.
You can also use this form to indicate whether you can make any contribution to the project such as labour or materials, machine time, or help with planning.
All feedback is much appreciated!
The proposed Moutere Hills Community Pathway is featuring on the cover of the October Grapevine.
Follow this link to read the article which features an extensive update on the current situation and refer to the project page for more detail.
We are now collecting signatures from residents in support of our pathway project.
If you have not done so already, be sure to sign one of our petition sheets which can be found locally at the General Store, School Office, Community Centre, Petrol Station and the Pub.
Or you can download the form and help us acquire signatures at additional locations.
Also, if you are a local business or organisation, you can help the project by writing a formal "letter of support". Many local institutions have already done so. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will let you know how to best do this.
Recently, some renewed activity has arisen around the pathway idea, and the MHRA committee is now trying to build a new, more public support case for the project.
We are chatting again to some landowners and are in contact with our Councillors and Council departments to find out more about what can be done. We are in the process of gathering expressions of support for the idea of having a safe walk- and cycle track from local businesses and organisations, and we are planning to collect more feedback from the wider community.
Please note that we are not advocating any particular route for the pathway at this moment. We are investigating several route options - all of which have their difficulties, advantages and disadvantages. We expect the final route to be chosen based input from landowners and Council, feedback from the community, and simple feasibility.
Look at the walkway page for more.