Addressing residents concerns about roads and speed limits in our local area.
Please follow the link below to the Summary of Decisions showing TDC's proposed speed limit changes for 2016 based on aforegoing consultation.
With regards to local roads you will notice the speed limit for Old Coach Road has gone back up to 80 km/h for its entire length, while School Road Mahana is going to 60 km/h for its entire length.
Document: Summary of Decisions 2016
You can read our submission to the next speed limits review here.
As you will notice, this is becoming an ongoing process - with continued discussions about the same locations in subsequent years.
At our recent AGM TDC councillors specifically advised that it is good to continue to submit on locations which are of concern, even if those had not been considered for changes in a given previous review.
As part of addressing concerns about hazards and inconvenience created by vehicles going fast on local gravel roads, council is considering the use of two existing signs, the "open road speed limit sign" in combination with supplementary gravel road signs (similar to the advisory shown below) on gravel roads.
The key purpose of the "open road" sign is to remind drivers to "drive to the conditions" - as is always required.
Moutere Valley gravel roads were part of this year's review.
Read more in the Speed Limit Bylaw Review documents on the council website and the minutes of this year's AGM.
Council has completed this year's speed limits review and the results can be read in full on the TDC website.
Roads in our area that are marked for change are:
Refer to the "Summary of Information" document at the link above for a full list of changes. If a road is not listed, this means no changes are planned for the road.
Submissions to this review can be made by 4.30pm Friday 16 October 2015.
Click on the link below to read our submission to this year's Speed Limit Bylaw Review.
The report outlines recent activity, including a meeting with the mayor and TDC transportation officers to discuss locations in Mahana, as well as proposals on several roads in Mahana and the highway past Moutere Hills Community Centre.
Read more: MHRA Speed Limits Submission 2015
TDC has now notified us of the results of this year's speed limit consultation process.
With regards to the roads that we submitted on recently, the changes that council has decided on are exactly as were proposed by TDC in August (prior to the hearings). Specifically, three stages of speed limit reduction on Old Coach Road and two stages of speed limits on School Road, Mahana. See here for the original list. No notes on Neudorf Road or the Moutere Highway.
We find that apparently our suggestions for streamlining the speed limit reduction on especially on Old Coach Road have not influenced the decision making.
TDC does note, however, that "the Panel have requested that Council staff work with the Moutere Hills Community Centre Committee to improve the entrance to the Centre in terms of safety."
Our chairman Tim Finn attended this year's submissions hearings on 17 October on behalf of the Moutere Hills Residents Association. Councillors Norriss, Edgar and Dowler plus council staff were present. The MHRA had issued a submission relating to the proposed speed changes around Mahana village and school.
MHRA presented in favour of the proposed reduction to 60 kph for 850 metres each way along Old Coach Road from the intersection with School Road, and for 220 m down School Road from the same intersection.
However, MHRA proposed that the 60 kph zones be extended along Old Coach Road to its intersection with the Moutere Highway, and for the complete extent of School Road from Old Coach Road to Carlyons Road, noting the presence of bends, intersections and general road conditions and usage that, in our opinion, made 60 kph a more suitable speed limit than the newly proposed 80 kph.
Hearings for the Draft Speed Limit Bylaw Amendment 2014 will be held today, Friday 17 October from 9.30 am at the Tasman District Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street in Richmond.
The MHRA will be presenting regarding our submissions (see below).
The full agenda can be found at the TDC website at this link. This includes the council reports and some notes on each submission and reasoning behind council proposals.
We are following up on the speed limits changes proposed by TDC as part of the 2014 bylaw review.
Specifically, we are submitting proposed variations to the changes proposed on Old Coach Road and School Road past Mahana school. Read our full submission here.
Since we have received no feedback on our other two submissions regarding the Moutere Highway and lower Neudorf Road in the previous year we are also requesting these be discussed again as part of this year's hearings.
TDC has just published a list of proposed speed limit changes for the ongoing 2014 bylaw review.
Various roads in our area are listed - including Gardner Valley, Harley, Best, Tarrant, Nuttal, and George Harvey Road, and also sections of Old Coach Road and Mahana School Road - with a new maximum speed limit of 80 km/h to be set - 60 km/h in some cases. See the full list on the TDC website for more details.
The proposal also notes that gravel roads were not considered during this review as there is still an ongoing review by NZTA of national speed management guidelines which may include all unsealed roads. Also it is noted that the state highways within Tasman District are subject to NZTA handling as well.
The current TDC review is open for submissions. Submissions close 4.30 pm on Monday 15 September 2014. The link above also leads to the submission form.